What is UV mapping?

UV mapping is the 3D modeling process of projecting a 2D image onto a 3D model. This projection allows for texture details, such as color and shading, to be accurately represented on the 3D model. UV mapping is an essential part of the 3D visualization process and is often used in conjunction with other techniques, such as bump mapping, to create realistic-looking 3D models.

The UV mapping process can be divided into two main steps: unwrapping and texturing. Unwrapping refers to the process of flattening out a 3D model’s mesh into a 2D plane. This plane is then used as a template onto which the 2D image is projected. Texturing is the process of assigning colors and other details to the individual faces of a 3D model. This step is usually performed after unwrapping, and it can be done manually or automatically.